Turn Windows Xp into Vista (Plus Win an iPhone)
This isn't really an eBook a such but I have found a really cool program that can turn any Windows XP machine to look like Vista. Now I no that Vista isn't the best operating system in the world but it does look cool. Thats why this program can make your computer look elite, and it is better than the free stuff you can find on the internet. You also get the chance to win an iPhone.
What Do You Get?
This program is your one stop tour for getting the best looking visual effects of Vista for Windows XP. This program includes, all the visual effects that you get from Vista, the cool Alt + Tab effect, the glossy and half invisible title bars. This program is one of the best at doing this with out breaking your computer. Its faster than Vista and produces no lag, great for gamers.
Extra Stuff
Do you know that you also get some cool free extra stuff. For example when you buy this package you also get:
# Bonus #1: FREE WINDOWS XP Performance Boost Patch
# Bonus #2: FREE Windows Media Player Skins
# Bonus #3: FREE Video Codecs Built-In!
# Bonus #4: ($200+ Value!) Media Player, CD/DVD Copy Software +much more!
Whats This iPhone Stuff?
As this is a new product the seller wants to entice you to buy this product (if you haven't already) and is giving a free iPhone to every 100th customer who buys his product. This may sound a bit cheesy and scamish, its not, he is selling hundreds of copies a day. The probability of winning an iPhone is quite high.
Where Do I Get This Product?
If you want to get this product you can visit the product page here. It only cost $49 down from $99 so grab a bargain and some XP stylin' today. Download now.