Slow News - Valkor Has Been Updated.

Hey There

Life on the eBook review stage has been slow. I currently have no time to do any research or writing into reviews and as a result I haven't been able to make any posts. This has been a big problem for me. I like writing and reviewing products, but due to lack of time this hasn't been happening.

One consolation though. Valkors update has been done and has the following changes:

- Removed old strategies that no longer work with the 2.3 patch.
- Added several new items to the Gold Making Strategies section.
- Added new topics to the Low Level Gold Making section.
- Updated some of the strategies for Profession Gold Making.
- Updated a lot of the older sections in the guide.
- And Much More...

Valkor's guide is definitely one of the best ebooks out there. I suggest you check out the product page for more information.


Sally Neill said...

Hi James,

How can I submit my ebook :

for your review?

I can provide you with a free copy.

Sally :)

James Powell said...

Send an email over to and I will have a look at it.